When a Spouse Refuses Counseling

Keren Kanyago

Are you struggling in your marriage and wishing your spouse would attend counseling? Explore your options and discern how God can heal your situation.

Choosing to Love My Spouse

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Treating our spouse with grace is a choice we must make each day. Remember the love that God has extended to each of us and choose to show compassion.

Budget Checkup

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you struggling to control your budget while caring for your marriage? Consider a budget checkup to work together to honor God with your finances.

Wise Financial Practices for Your Household

Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra

Are you struggling to manage money in your marriage? Consider biblical principles for making wise financial choices that can reduce conflicts about money.

What If I No Longer Find My Spouse Attractive?

Keren Kanyago

Are your feelings for your spouse changing? Consider what God has to say about physical attraction and honoring the commitments that you have made.

Listening Reflectively: How to Listen Well

Rev. Dr. Steven Koster

Are you struggling to listen well to one another? You can improve your listening skills by learning to reflect back the emotions being expressed.

Listening Deflectively: How Not to Listen

Rev. Dr. Steven Koster

Does your relationship lack healthy communication? Evaluate your listening habits to move past deflective listening habits to listen well to one another.

Why Doesn’t My Spouse Want a Dog?

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you and your spouse stuck in a disagreement? Explore your history and take time to understand their perspective to find a loving way to move forward.

Taming the Tongue

Rev. Kelly Vander Woude

Do you struggle with taming your tongue? Recognize the impact your words have on others and discover how to use your words in ways that are beneficial.

Learning to Assert Yourself and Use Your Voice

Joella Ranaivoson

Do you struggle with using your voice assertively? Consider the importance of using your God-given voice in a loving way to care for yourself and others.

Five Ways to Handle Unmet Expectations

Keren Kanyago

Is your spouse failing to meet your expectations? Consider these five steps for getting your unrealistic expectations reset and your actual needs met.

Learning to Confront with Love

Jalicia Maeweather

Are you anxious about confronting someone who has hurt you? Consider this wisdom for lovingly addressing the struggles that creep up in your relationships.
Date Title Author Topics
July 24, 2024 When a Spouse Refuses Counseling Keren Kanyago Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
July 21, 2024 Choosing to Love My Spouse Rev. Travis Jamieson Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
July 17, 2024 Budget Checkup Rev. Travis Jamieson Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
May 19, 2024 Wise Financial Practices for Your Household Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
March 3, 2024 What If I No Longer Find My Spouse Attractive? Keren Kanyago Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
February 28, 2024 Listening Reflectively: How to Listen Well Rev. Dr. Steven Koster Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
February 25, 2024 Listening Deflectively: How Not to Listen Rev. Dr. Steven Koster Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
February 18, 2024 Why Doesn’t My Spouse Want a Dog? Rev. Travis Jamieson Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
October 25, 2023 Taming the Tongue Rev. Kelly Vander Woude Marriage, Communication
October 22, 2023 Learning to Assert Yourself and Use Your Voice Joella Ranaivoson Dating, Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
August 9, 2023 Five Ways to Handle Unmet Expectations Keren Kanyago Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
June 14, 2023 Learning to Confront with Love Jalicia Maeweather Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
June 4, 2023 Six Steps for Couples Who Have Drifted Apart Keren Kanyago Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Spiritual Intimacy, Conflict & Crisis
October 19, 2022 Advice for Conflict Management in Marriage Laura Goossens, MSW, LCSW Dating, Marriage Preparation, Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
October 2, 2022 Expressing Emotions Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
July 6, 2022 Learning How to Practice Empathy Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
March 23, 2022 Why is Communication So Difficult? Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Dating Well, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Grandparenting, Boundaries & Conflict
March 20, 2022 Gentle Answers to Defuse Arguments Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Grandparenting, Boundaries & Conflict
March 13, 2022 Why Can't My Spouse Recognize My Needs? Laura Goossens, MSW, LCSW Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
December 1, 2021 Have Hope For Your Marriage Dr. Robert Ritzema Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Divorce & Remarriage
November 17, 2021 When the Boat Rocks: Advice for Newlyweds Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Marriage Preparation, Marriage, Newlyweds, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
October 11, 2020 How Unmet Childhood Needs Shape Your Life Linda Ostlund, MA, LCPC Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
September 13, 2020 Why Our Words Matter Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Discipline, Grandparenting, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
July 22, 2020 One Sided Marriage Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Newlyweds, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Divorce & Remarriage
July 8, 2020 Practicing Assertive Communication Jessica Parks, MSW, LCSW Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Grandparenting, Boundaries & Conflict
May 13, 2020 Sharing Feelings Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Communication
April 15, 2020 Toxic Positivity Kathryn DeYoung, LCPC, LMHC Marriage, Communication, Spirituality, Grief & Loss
February 19, 2020 Marriage 101: Learning to Communicate Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
October 3, 2018 Listening To Your Spouse Rev. Kelly Vander Woude Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication
September 6, 2018 Rules for Fair Fighting: Rule #8 Rev. Dr. Steven Koster Dating, Dating Well, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Grandparenting, Boundaries & Conflict
November 16, 2017 A Healthy Posture for Approaching Conflict Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
March 21, 2016 Be a Good Listener: The Virtue of Understanding Marilyn Ciaramitaro, MSW, LCSW Dating, Marriage Preparation, Marriage, Communication
January 18, 2016 Is Your Relationship Wi-Fi Compatible? Angie Cerniglia, AMFT, LPC Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis
March 23, 2015 Learning to Listen Dr. Janet Irvine Marriage, Communication, Spiritual Intimacy, Conflict & Crisis, Spirituality, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
April 2, 2014 The Power of Apology Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Conflict & Crisis, Grandparenting, Boundaries & Conflict
November 18, 2013 Marriage Questionnaires: Test Taking or Taking Stock? Rev. Deb Koster Dating, Marriage Preparation, Marriage, Newlyweds, Growing Your Marriage, Communication, Spiritual Intimacy, Conflict & Crisis

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