When a Spouse Refuses Counseling

Keren Kanyago

Are you struggling in your marriage and wishing your spouse would attend counseling? Explore your options and discern how God can heal your situation.

Choosing to Love My Spouse

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Treating our spouse with grace is a choice we must make each day. Remember the love that God has extended to each of us and choose to show compassion.

Budget Checkup

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you struggling to control your budget while caring for your marriage? Consider a budget checkup to work together to honor God with your finances.

Does My Time Management Honor God?

Keren Kanyago

Do you struggle with time management? Consider how God calls us both to rest in him and to use our time in ways that honor him and build his kingdom.

Healing for Estranged Relationships

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you struggling with an estranged relationship in your family? Consider how God may be calling you to work toward healing for you and your family.

Estranged Relationships: God Understands

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you dealing with estranged relationships in your life? Explore the biblical story to see how Jesus experienced rejection and walks with us in our pain.

Setting Limits around Online Gaming

Rev. Dr. Bret Lamsma

Do you know someone who spends a lot of time gaming? Help them be discerning about their choices and find a balance between online and offline connections.

Empathetic Parenting of Highly Sensitive Children

Keren Kanyago

Is your child highly sensitive to their environment? Practice empathetic parenting to help your child learn effective coping mechanisms for flourishing.

Four Questions to Ask Kids After School

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you trying to find out about your child's day but only getting one-word replies? Consider asking better questions to start receiving better answers.

Teaching Children Generosity

Ardella Perry-Osler

How can we help children to understand giving and generosity? In sharing the story of the Little Drummer Boy, we see how God smiles when we use our gifts.

Giving Up People Pleasing

Rev. Kelly Vander Woude

Are you struggling to make everyone in your life happy? Consider the value of choosing joy instead of the impossible task of trying to please everyone.

Lessons from Family Vacation

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you getting burned out from your family vacation activities? Consider how you can use your vacation time well to draw near to God and one another.

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