Staying Hopeful Amid Relationship Rejection

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you feeling the sting of rejection? While people may reject us, God is faithful to walk with us through every challenge that we face.

Christian Parents: Guiding Our Children to Faith

Christopher Hunt

Parents have a responsibility to raise their children to adulthood. Perhaps their most important responsibility is to pass their faith to their children.

Can anything good come from divorce?

Christopher Hunt

Are you overwhelmed by the pain of divorce? Discover wisdom from scripture to guide you to find healing and blessing through this difficult season of life.

Supporting a Friend through Divorce

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Is someone you love going through the death of a relationship? Consider how you can care well for a friend who is navigating the loss of a marriage.

Help for the Sexless Marriage

Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra

Is sexual frequency a tension in your marriage? Consider what the Bible has to say about sexuality and look at ways you can improve the health of marriage.

Overcoming Obstacles to a Healthy Love Life

Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra

Are you struggling to keep sexual intimacy in your marriage? Explore wisdom from Song of Songs to overcome obstacles and bring joy to your marriage bed.

Effective Discipline: Echoing the Gospel Rhythm of Grace

Rev. Dr. Rob Toornstra

Do you wonder what the Bible says about administering discipline? Check out these Biblical guidelines for disciplining with the gospel rhythm of grace.

Disciplining with Love

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you wondering about the role that discipline should play in your parenting? Learn the importance of setting loving limits to guide your children.

Healing Relationships by Choosing to Grow

Jolene DeHeer

Are you wondering how to heal fractured relationships? Consider how focusing on personal growth can bring healing to yourself and your relationships.

Biblical Encouragement for New Parents

Christopher Hunt

If you’re a new parent and feel out of your depth, we’ve assembled these articles below to give you biblical encouragement as you grow into this new reality of parenthood.

Practicing Forgiveness to Mend Relationships

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Do you struggle with how to practice forgiveness in your relationships? Learn how you can model true repentance by taking ownership and making amends.

Love in Action: Choosing to Love your Spouse

Rev. Travis Jamieson

Are you wondering what is the best way to express your love to your spouse? Consider the five love languages to discern how to love your spouse well.

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