Devotions for Couples

Finding Time for Spiritual Growth

Rev. Deb Koster

Do you struggle to find time to spend alone with God? Consider these ways that you can invest in a relationship with God to guide you to grow spiritually.

17 Things Spiritually Healthy People Don’t Do

Rev. Deb Koster

Do you want to be spiritually healthy? Consider these 17 behaviors that spiritually healthy people don't don't do to discover how you can become well.

Kingdom Building Practices of the Early Church

Rev. Deb Koster

Wonder why the early church was successful? Discover practices that guided the church and see how they are still significant for vital faith community.

The Spirit's Fire for Your Family

Kim Sullivan

Fire has characteristics which benefit our faith. Discover how the imagery of fire can transform how we live as people who are fueled by the Holy Spirit.

Finding Joy at Christmas!

Kim Sullivan

Missing your Christmas joy? Reflect on the source and meaning of joy, and how your perspective can transform your experience of joy this Advent season.

Why Our Words Matter

Rev. Deb Koster

Our words have an impact on others. Explore Biblical wisdom on why our choice of words matters and consider what your words convey to the lives of others.

The Benefits of Praying Together

Rev. Dr. Steven Koster

Praying with someone else can often feel uncomfortable. Discover the blessing of praying together and develop spiritual intimacy in your relationship.

Praying for Your Spouse

Rev. Dr. Steven Koster

Praying with and for our spouse can produce anxiety because it brings a spiritual nakedness. Here are some ideas of how to better pray for your spouse.

The Power of Praying for One Another

Rev. Deb Koster

Do you struggle with praying for others? Prayer is a powerful way for us to bear one another’s burdens. Discover the importance of praying for one another.

Listening for God

Rev. Deb Koster

Do you wonder what God has to say about your situation? Consider all of the ways that God speaks to us and consider how God might be leading your steps.

Drinking from the Well of God

Rev. Kelly Vander Woude

Struggling to part with sinful habits? Explore the wisdom of Psalm 1 to name the sinfulness that draws us and opt instead to drink deep from God's word.

Uprooting Sinfulness: Seven Deadly Sins

Rev. Deb Koster

The seven deadline sins are destructive inclinations of our hearts. Learn how you can uproot these sinful habits from your life and cultivate holiness.
Date Title Author Topics
August 13, 2023 Finding Time for Spiritual Growth Rev. Deb Koster Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy
August 10, 2022 17 Things Spiritually Healthy People Don’t Do Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
April 19, 2022 Kingdom Building Practices of the Early Church Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
April 17, 2022 The Spirit's Fire for Your Family Kim Sullivan Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
December 12, 2021 Finding Joy at Christmas! Kim Sullivan Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Holiday Celebrations, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Family Holidays, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Mentoring Faith
September 13, 2020 Why Our Words Matter Rev. Deb Koster Singles, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Communication, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Discipline, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
September 9, 2020 The Benefits of Praying Together Rev. Dr. Steven Koster Singles, Dating Well, Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Parenting Kids, Spiritual Nurturing, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy
September 6, 2020 Praying for Your Spouse Rev. Dr. Steven Koster Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy
June 10, 2020 The Power of Praying for One Another Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
April 29, 2020 Listening for God Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Spiritual Intimacy, Parenting, Spiritual Nurturing, Seniors, Mentoring Faith, Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
October 12, 2017 Drinking from the Well of God Rev. Kelly Vander Woude Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy
August 24, 2015 Uprooting Sinfulness: Seven Deadly Sins Rev. Deb Koster Spirituality, Family Devotions & Worship, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Spiritual Nurturing, Mentoring Faith
February 12, 2015 Demonstrating God's Love: Caring For Your Spouse Rev. Deb Koster Marriage, Growing Your Marriage, Conflict & Crisis, Seniors, Being Grandparents, Spirituality, Devotions for Couples, Spiritual Intimacy, Grief & Loss
September 4, 2014 Attitude Adjustments from the Beatitudes Kim Sullivan Singles, Challenges & Conflict, Marriage, Conflict & Crisis, Parenting, Discipline, Seniors, Boundaries & Conflict, Spirituality, Devotions for Couples

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