Ways to Involve Your Family in Caring for the Hungry

Kim Sullivan

September 28, 2022

World hunger is a worthy cause in which our families can serve and meet the needs of others.

“If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday” (Isaiah 58:10 NKJV).

As farmers harvest their amber waves of grain, we turn our eyes to those who are without. Everywhere we can hear the cries of those in need. In response, our families can choose to give sacrificially and live below our means for the purpose of caring for the needs of the hungry.

Tune-in to the needs

In this materialistic world, it is much easier to work toward our own needs and desires, yet it can never satisfy. Rather, there is much joy in serving others!

“He who gives to the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes will have many curses” (Proverbs 28:27 NKJV).

It is important to model this lifestyle for our children. Allowing them to serve those in need is a healthy experience. It breeds gratitude for the blessings they have while also producing a sense of responsibility to meet the needs of others.

Share the love of Jesus

We are called to a higher way of life. A life that isn’t consumed by its own desires, but is rather magnified by the desire to represent Jesus in this world. When we represent him, we “defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy” (Psalm 82:3 NKJV).

Jesus, the Word in flesh, instructed us to do these very things. It is not the idea of a nice charitable organization. It is a direct fulfillment of God's command. For he instructed in Matthew 25:35, “for I was hungry and you gave me food…” When we follow this command, we are directly serving Jesus! What a tremendous blessing! We can serve Jesus by serving others. Here are a few ideas on how your family can participate in World Hunger Action Month.

Choose to invest

  1. Start a food drive. Perhaps your children are part of a Christian kid’s club like Gems or Awana. Suggest to the leaders of the group that the club collect food for your local food pantry. You can even have a delegation from the club deliver the food to the pantry.
  2. Sponsor a child. There are many worthy Christian programs through which you can sponsor a child for food and basic needs. Allow your children to become a part of this. Have them read the letters of your recipient, draw pictures, contribute from their allowance and participate in the sponsorship.
  3. Serve at a soup kitchen. Call the nearest homeless shelter or feeding program and sign your family up to serve food. Again, this exposes your children to different cultures and socio-economic lifestyles. At the appropriate time, it’s important to “pop the bubble” of protection from such harsh realities. If you want to raise compassionate human beings you will have to introduce them to uncomfortable truths.

I am certain that as you begin your quest to be a family who reaches out, God will give you creative ideas on how to continue caring for others even far beyond Hunger Action Month. The fruit of this discipline breeds compassionate, aware and kind Christians who understand the place of the follower of Christ when it comes to enacting God’s justice.

About the author — Kim Sullivan

Kim Sullivan is a writer with a background in everything from homeschooling to nonprofit management. She has raised three children each of whom are successful in their own unique way. Recently, Kim has done the most radical and risky thing she has ever done…she moved 700 miles from her suburban Chicago home and everything familiar to her and relocated to Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is working on a brand-new website and blogs at Journey to Epiphany. She is also writing a book about her adventures in following Jesus.

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