Every January, millions of Americans will make New Year’s Resolutions. They promise themselves to lose weight, save more money, get involved in church, be nicer to the dog, etc. And by every February, thousands of gyms, bank accounts, churches, and dog dishes will stand empty.
What gives? Truthfully, New Year’s Resolutions just don’t work. Why?
This is not to say that New Year’s Resolutions are all bad, or that no one should make them. Nor does it mean that no one accomplishes their New Year’s resolutions. But relying solely on your yearly resolutions is not a great way to make permanent change in your life.
So how can we make real changes in our lives?
Set your start date NOW. Start today. Start in this moment. Start as soon as you can. If you struggle today, start over tomorrow. You can only act in one moment: this one.
Make a concrete, measurable goal. Rather than “I will organize my house” maybe “I will get rid of 10 items a day” or “I will assign everything in the kitchen a place” By making your goal something you can measure, and something concrete, you can more easily track your progress and evaluate how far you’ve come.
Break down your big goal into smaller goals. Goals seem less daunting if you only have to tackle a little bit at a time. A weight loss goal can be broken down many ways: “I will lose a pound this week” “I will eat vegetables 3 times each day” “I will exercise 30 minutes, 3 times per week”
Measure your progress! Make yourself a sticker chart. Keep track of miles run, minutes spent organizing, days where you read the Bible. By measuring your progress, you can see what you’ve accomplished, and become more motivated for future accomplishments.
Celebrate and reward yourself! You are much more likely to succeed when you give yourself healthy rewards for your goals! Take delight in each small step of accomplishment.
Know that you will fail. And give yourself permission to start again, regardless of the date. No one is perfect. We all fall short of expectations. Scripture tells us that, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). God knows our human frailty having lived in human form himself. If you accept that you will fail at some point, it makes success even sweeter, and mistakes less intimidating. It also makes it much easier to pick yourself up and try again. Let your mistakes be learning opportunities. God still loves us and walks with us through every challenge that we face.
Don’t try to solve all of your problems at once. You can’t fix your relationship with your in-laws, lose 30 pounds, organize your house, save a million dollars, and recycle all waste at the same time. Try one thing at a time, change one habit at a time. You can always start working on other goals in April. Or June.
Christopher Hunt
Rev. Deb Koster
Keren Kanyago