One day, I decided to show my toddler-aged daughter a website based on one of her favorite movies. Like I had anticipated, she had a blast smiling and laughing the whole time. The next day as I was trying to get on the website again, my daughter confidently took over the laptop and started banging on the keys preventing me from logging in and delaying the fun. I said to her “its funny how you think you can do this better than me.” Immediately, those words cut deep into my heart for I knew those words were not just mine but were also God’s words to me about me being her mom.
Although I am a rookie in the league of motherhood, I have learned one foundational lesson--I cannot do this better than God or without him. It is true that God placed many valuable resources in us to be moms: loving hugs, guidance, an understanding of what our children need, ability to hear our kids in a loud room, and an uncanny intuition to know when our kids are up to trouble, among many others. It is true that we moms can do amazing things, do them well, and many of them all at once. We are moms, after all.
Even though God placed these resources into our hands, our resources are limited without being daily connected to him, the one that created motherhood. There are days we cannot keep it all together, we do not know the answer, and we do not know what to do. If we try to do it without Him, we will be limited. James 1:17 tells us, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." Everything we need is found in him.
In order to be the mothers (and fathers) God wants us to be, we need to stay connected to Him daily. He is the life-giving vine, and we are the branches. If we remain in Him, we will be fruitful. We need him to give us energy when we have had a sleepless night, wisdom and discernment when we make difficult decisions, and his comfort and encouragement when we are overwhelmed. If we are disconnected from God, not only do we suffer but so do our families. They depend on us to be at our best and our best is with God.
As moms, it may be difficult to spend the time we want with God. So it is best to find the calmest time of the day and give him our full and undivided attention, which is a different time for everyone. For some, it may be first thing in the morning before your family wakes. For others, it maybe while waiting in the car pool lane. We can also abide in him and seek him throughout the day during the hustle and bustle of our busy lives through prayer. Some days we may feel we have no time to spend with God. But when we take the time out of our busy schedule to connect with Him, our time will be blessed and we will be able to accomplish more than if we try to do it alone. God's word fortifies us to face challenges.
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen
Rev. Deb Koster
Rev. Travis Jamieson