As parents, we have huge responsibilities to feed, shelter, discipline, and protect our children from birth to adulthood. One of the most important responsibilities we have as Christian parents is to pass our faith to our children, helping them see God’s fingerprints in all of life. We do this by showing them what it means to follow Jesus in our own daily lives, teaching them God’s Word, including them in worship and the life of our churches, and praying for them regularly. Yet, we discover that it is never quite so straightforward. We cannot simply program our children to listen to and follow God. Some of our children will go through seasons of questioning and doubt (just like most of us have) before they discover their own living relationship with their Heavenly Father. Along the way, we need encouragement to persevere, trusting that God’s Word does not return to him empty (Isaiah 55:11), and believing his promise: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
These nine articles offer you encouragement as you share your faith with your children, demonstrating what it means to be in relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit:
Scriptural Truths for Parents, by Rev. Deb Koster — Our children don’t come with a detailed owner’s manual for every situation, but the Bible does offer some valuable perspectives, guidelines, and encouragement. Here are some scriptural truths for parents.
Follow Me as I Follow Christ, by Rev. Deb Koster — First-time parenting is intimidating. You’ve not only been entrusted with a baby’s care but also realize that you are this child’s first spiritual guide. How confident do you feel saying, “Follow my example of following Christ?”
Helping Our Children to Understand Baptism, by Rev. Deb Koster — Baptism is a sign of our belonging to God and also to God’s people. Yet God is the principal actor in baptism, as he claims us as his own.
Teaching Children to Pray Expectantly, by Kim Sullivan — I wanted my son to grow up praying God-sized prayers and trusting God’s provision, but at age four, all he could pray about was going to Disney World. To him, we asked, and God was going to do it. Period.
Teaching our Children How to Respond to the Voice of God, by Rev. Deb Koster — How can we help our children hear and respond to the voice of God? How do we give them ears to hear? It probably starts with us and our voices.
Training Children to Hear God's Voice, by Kim Sullivan — Teaching our children to hear and obey our voice prepares them to hear and obey their heavenly Father’s voice. How can we become more confident in listening to God’s instruction in our own lives?
Teaching the Importance of Confession, by Rev. Dr. Robert Tornstra — A regular practice of acknowledging our lack of obedience to God the words, thoughts, and actions we have done (or not done) that displease God brings us healing. How do we encourage our children in the discipline of confession?
How Can I Encourage My Teen's Faith Formation? by Jolene DeHeer — When our children reach adolescence, one of the driving questions for Christian parents is, “How can I encourage my teen’s faith formation?” Here are four areas that can have a powerful effect on a teen’s spiritual growth.
Cultivating an Adventurous Faith, by Kim Sullivan — Young people are looking to live for something worth dying for. Can we help them see the Christian faith for the risky, radical, and revolutionary adventure that it is.
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen
Rev. Deb Koster
Rev. Travis Jamieson