Dear Dad,
Even more important than obtaining a Hallmark greeting card and a dozen roses, your job on Mother’s Day is to ensure that your children honor their mother. You can definitely keep up the flowers and candy thing too, but organizing your kids to celebrate their mom is even more important.
Do you feel clueless on how to even begin? One of the most important things to find out is whether your wife is ready for a day away from the children, or wants to spend the day with them. It may be a very nice thing to plan a spa day for your wife, but if she wants to spend the day with her kids, she might not appreciate the gesture. Simply say something like, “The kids and I are planning something special for you this year for Mother’s Day. Are you feeling like a break, or would you like to share some family time?” She will love you for planning something in advance to meet her needs, and you will ensure that you are barking up the right tree!
With that all said, here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
1) Have a meeting with your kids well before Mother’s Day. You’d be surprised at some of the creative ways they might think of to celebrate their mom.
2) Have your children make something for Mom. Moms love homemade presents from their children.
3) Start a Mother’s Day scrapbook for your wife. This gift is a gift that keeps giving. Each year you and your children can add homemade cards, pictures and other mementos from each Mother’s Day, creating a book of memories to be enjoyed throughout the year.
4) Have the kids make a coupon book for Mom. Include things like extra hugs, complaint-free chores, and Mommy-Daughter/Son dates.
5) Plan a special activity. For instance, if your kids are older, take your wife to a movie she’d enjoy while the children prepare a simple meal at home. The younger children can help with the serving and cleanup. Maybe they can even play Maître D', wait-staff, and floor show entertainment.
6) If your wife is looking forward to a quiet day away from the kids, plan a service day at her favorite charity or at church while she relaxes for the afternoon while reading a book with a cup of tea.
7) Have the kids prepare a variety show and preform it for their mom.
No matter what you plan, I think you will find that your listening and planning skills will make you a hero both with your wife and with your kids! Scripture says it this way:
“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her” (Proverbs 31:28).
As the head of the home you will be fulfilling this Scripture. What more could a Mom ask for?
With Great Respect,
A Mother
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen
Kim Sullivan