The trappings of Christmas are falling away. Trees droop. Needles fall. It is time to pack up our ornaments and wrap up our garland and set our living rooms right for the year ahead. As we clear the clutter of this season away, what else must we clean as the new year begins? It is a time for us to look at our lives, examine our families, and plan for beginning anew.
Let’s think through these questions as we begin:
New Year’s Resolutions can easily fall away, but if we approach our goal-setting together, we can use these early weeks in January to begin new habits and pursue new paths. Talking as a family about what we do well and where we need growth can help us to clarify the goals that we want to set.
But goal-setting is not enough. We must work to make a plan. If you know where you want to go, what must you do this month to work on that goal? What must you do this week? Today? Finding the steps that must be done and then making mini-goals to accomplish your resolution this year will help your family to keep moving forward even after the January push.
As you put your Christmas decorations away, think about the year ahead. Ask God to help you see what areas need attention and what you are doing well. As a family, set goals for what you will do and make a point of praying together as you seek to pursue these things.
Your intentional approach to resolutions can lead to amazing growth!
Nadia Swearingen-Friesen
Rev. Deb Koster
Rev. Travis Jamieson